Command-line interface


usage: ktug-hanyang-pua [-h] [--version] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                        [-m {table,tree}] [--input-format {text,binary,json}]
                        [-F {text,binary,json}] [-S]

Positional Arguments


Input file. The standard input will be used if ommitted.

Named Arguments


output version information and exit

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity

-o, --output-file

Output file. The standard output will be used if ommitted.

-m, --data-model

Possible choices: table, tree

Data model. Note that `table’ model is suitable for encoding and `tree’ model is suitable for decoding.

Default: “table”


Possible choices: text, binary, json

Input format

Default: “text”

-F, --output-format

Possible choices: text, binary, json

Output format

Default: “text”

-S, --switch

Switch source/targets in input mappings

Default: False